Every single day, this is where the magic happens. At least six days a week, I sit at this desk and put on my face. I enjoy the process of transformation and cosmetics is one of the ways I accomplish it.

Do you see that mirror on my desk? Well, it has two sides to it. The first reflects my image exactly as it appears. However, if it flip it over, it magnifies whatever I'm looking at. This happens because of the way light is concentrated and reflected. Sometimes I enjoy this scientific phenomenon. Especially when I need to put mascara on my little bitty eyelashes. But other times, it's like, "whoa, I didn't want to see THAT."
Sometimes, reading the Bible for me is the same way. It's as though God concentrates His light illuminating something that I would rather not see about myself. Something that reveals to me that He wants to draw me closer to the perfect plan that He has for my life. In spite of how uncomfortable it may be to see, what I love about God is how much He loves me and longs for me to walk in wholeness.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, it can become easy to think too highly of ourselves. After all, as we look back at all He has led us through, and who we used to be, it can be easy to slip into haughiness. I know! I've been there....for like a nano second. But then God in His perfect fatherly way, leads me back to the truth. That although He is taking me from glory to glory, I haven't arrived yet. There is still so much I need to learn about leading, loving and living a God honoring life. And so, at least six days a week, if not seven, I come back to the place where real transformation takes place....In His Word and In His Presence. Care to join me?
Keeping it real,